Welcome to a new blog by Jingle All The Range. It is called “Chiming in with Joy Mc Jingles”. “Get it? Chime. Jingle. Bells…Jingle All The Range?
2022 was our inaugural year at Jingle All The Range and we saw many people come to the site to find out what to do across the Range during the Holidays. Event organizers also saw an increase in attendance by having their events posted on the Jingle All The Range website & social media. We were honored to accept the Economic Development Association of Minnesota’s Innovation Award.
We are back for year number two and preparing for a packed holiday season of things to do and see. Ceasar Ortega will be back with his amazing videos of events and happenings. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to catch his videos. (Follow Us On FACEBOOK) He plans to preview events, attend events and to have Santa post a weekly video. Ceasar and his elves will also be maintaining the Community Calendar. If you have an event that needs to be listed, please contact the EMAIL ELVES. This is a free listing on the calendar. So, please let us know what you have happening in your town!
As far as the blog, Joy Mc Jingles will be covering stories from Hibbing to Hoyt Lakes and all town in between. She will focus on the people of the Iron Range or who visit the Iron Range for the holidays. She is looking for some of those feel good holiday stores. That real “Christmas Miracle” story or a story that showcases the REAL meaning of Christmas. She also wants to showcase family traditions across the Range at Christmastime. Do you have a really cool Christmas village? A unique ornament? A MUST HAVE side dish for Thanksgiving? Reach out, Joy wants to talk to you.
Joy will also cover holiday travel stories. Are you from out of the area but come home to the Range for the holidays? Tell us why? What do you look forward to the most when you come to the Range for the holidays? Currently, Joy is looking for stories for the beginning of November. Any Deer Hunters Widows out there who have annual plans? Joy wants to know what they are. Also, looking for Thanksgiving stories.
If you have a story idea for Joy, please email her at : JOY Mc JINGLES. Joy will be posting twice a week, on Thursdays & Sundays.